How do people become millionaires or billionaires (apart from being given a million dollars by your father to start your own business at age 20)? How do you buy political voters from Bangladesh? How is an automatic timepiece manufactured? If you’re the ultra-curious sort and have always wanted to know what goes on behind the scenes at our Aries Gold workshop, rest assured that you’ll get a more in-depth glimpse of the production process behind the highly vaunted Aries Gold El Toro, or the bull in Spanish.
As is the case with most other watches, the various components are the movement, the case and crystal, dial, hands, strap and detailing that goes into the overall product. And by movement, we don’t mean left, right, up or down – those kinds of movement are best saved for the ah beng at the arcade playing Dance Dance Revolution while totally oblivious to how ridiculous he looks to the world around. The movement I’m referring to is the clockwork movement of mechanical timepieces which comprise many moving parts like the wheel train and escapement. Without going too deep into specifics, let’s just say that the movement is like your computer’s CPU, or a car’s engine.
The El Toro’s automatic movement is our newest pride and joy, and with the high consumer demand, we all decided that it’s best to let you understand just how seriously Aries Gold takes our watchmaking. After all, with two impending limited edition timepieces with world-famous bands in the pipeline, we want you to continue having confidence in our wrist masterpieces. Now go on and cast your gaze upon our infographic. And if you’re asking who those bands are, that’s a secret I can’t tell you yet, unless you’re willing to shell out a million dollars so I can start a business *wink*
-The Watchman